New Jersey Auto Accident Lawyer - Automobile Accident Injuries are complicated matters. You need an experienced New Jersey Auto Accident Lawyer. Call now to speak with our NJ auto accident attorneys. The questions that frequently arise concern, Who pays the medical bills ? And if there is Insurance Coverage, Which Insurance Company pays the bills? Another issue that arises frequently is what kind of medical treatment can an injured accident victim receive and what happens if the Insurance Company refuses to provide medical treatment. These are complicated questions and the answers vary with the type of insurance coverage each party has and the amounts of the coverage. Some individuals choose to make their private health care the Primary Insurer responsible for the payment of accident injury medical expenses. In most cases the Automobile Policy you have purchased or that a resident family member has purchased will be the Insurer responsible for payment of medical bills. If you have any questions concerning payment for your medical expenses call us now for a free consultation or use our Contact Form. We are your New Jersey Auto Accident Lawyers.
Call today
Steven P. Lombardi, Esq
The next question that arises is, Can I maintain a lawsuit? In New Jersey the Legislature has adopted what is commonly called the Verbal Threshold Statute. This legislation allows an individual to choose the elect a Tort Threshold option to obtain cheaper insurance. Most people sick of being ripped off by their insurance carriers elect this option and give away their right to sue in all but cases where a serious injury is suffered that meets the requirements of the Verbal Threshold Laws. An injured person must be able to produce Objective Evidence, meaning something that appears on an MRI Film or other Objective Test, of a serious and permanent injury capable of withstanding a challenge based on the New Jersey Verbal Threshold Statute. This requires that your examining and treating physician be well familiar with the Laws' requirements and are capable of articulating the facts and medical injuries in a manner that meets the legal burdens of proof. If you are thinking of seeking redress for your injuries please contact our office to discuss your case at the outset as critical decisions made early on can affect your ability to recover. A New Jersey Auto Accident Lawyer can answer your questions regarding your case.
Another frequent concern is, Whose fault is the accident ? Sometimes fault is clear in that the other Driver ran a stop sign or hit your vehicle from behind. However sometimes the liability or fault of each driver is at serious issue such as those accidents that result from glancing lane change collisions, red light / green light disputes and other less clear cut accidents with multiple vehicles. Our firm specializes in proving liability in these tougher situations. We have been successful in obtaining Township Camera evidence and also many times utilize an accident reconstruction expert to determine which driver is at fault. If you have any questions as to whose fault an accident was call us now for a free consultation.
The final question injured people have is, How much can be recovered ? While each case is unique, in that every individual has different bodies and suffers different levels of pain associated with their injuries, we can offer advice as to generally what injuries of your type are settled for, or what a typical jury could award. If you have any questions as to the possible dollar recovery in your accident case please call our office to speak with a New Jersey Auto Accident Lawyer for a free consultation.
Contact Us
Law Office of
Steven P. Lombardi
318 Main Street
Suite 101 B
Millburn, NJ 07041
Use our Contact Form
Atlantic Highlands NJ 07716
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