New Jersey Business Formation Lawyer - Incorporate or form an LLC

New Jersey Business Formation Lawyer - If you are considering starting or forming a new business venture we can assist you in completing all of the required steps.  The decision to form a New Jersey Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Professional Corporation (PC) is often confusing and difficult.  Contact our firm to discuss the appropriate form for your new business.   Our New Jersey Business Corporation Lawyers can assist you in forming the company, obtaining tax exempt status, registering the company, applying for the appropriate state and federal tax status and even dissolution of the company if you cease operating.  We have represented Trucking Companies, Internet Start Ups, Restaurants, Construction Contractors, Non-Profits, and for Profit Companies as the grow and expand.  


We specialize in forming New Jersey Residential and Commercial Construction Companies and insuring that the companies comply with the myriad rules and regulations related to the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.  A failure to fully comply with the Administrative Code Regulations in the Consumer Contracts used by these businesses can result in being unnecessarily subject to claims for Triple Damages and Attorney's fees in litigation.   


Call today for a consultation on how to start your business and comply with New Jersey's Business Regulations. Speak with a New Jersey Business Start - Up Lawyer today. 


Call to discuss your Business Purchase Today


Steven P. Lombardi, Esq.



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Law Office of

Steven P. Lombardi

318 Main Street

Suite 101 B

Millburn, NJ 07041











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Atlantic Highlands NJ 07716


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